Top 10 Thoughts images Photos, greetings, pictures for Whatsapp


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Sat Shri Akaal ji

Sat Shri Akal ji

The faithful, O Nanak, do not wander
around begging.

The chosen ones meditate single-mindedly
 on the Guru.

Nanak, sing the glorious praises of the Lord, 
and see the unseen Lord God.

The ambrosial naam, the name of the
 Lord, is forever the giver of peace. 
Through the Guru's teachings, it dwells 
in the mind.
Through the word of the Guru's shabad,
they are glorified with the naam. 
Nanak offers this true prayer; singing . 
His glorious praises, I merge 
with the true one. 

Humility, self-control and purity have
run away; people eat the uneatable,
forbidden food.

Top 10 Thoughts images Photos, greetings, pictures for Whatsapp  Top 10 Thoughts  images Photos, greetings, pictures for Whatsapp Reviewed by Blogger on July 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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